Friday, November 20, 2009
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Saturday, November 14, 2009
What is on your menu for next year?
The great clean up and pack away has begun. Before I sit down with seed catalogs and calendars and start counting days and such, I was wondering if there if there is anything ya'll would like to see grown with you in mind.
Corn is still out of the question for the moment. I love it too, but the ramifications and feeding needs it would have are too much for the land in 2010. I am hoping to expand the farm again over the winter with hopes of preparing land (1 acre) for heavy feeders in 2011. I missed the order date for sun chokes this year, but have plans of planting a small field of them for 2011 and beyond. Asparagus will be planted in early spring, but it is rare they produce fully for 3 years, so 2012 at the earliest. Strawberries will be planted in the spring as well. The future location of the strawberry patch is currently in spinach and will be followed up with clover in an effort to enrich the soil and minimize pests.
I have plans for a greater number of salad greens next season, as well as adding potatoes to the line up. There will be deer fencing going up over the winter, which should give us a better retention rate on the crops we grew this past year that ended up in bambi's belly. The deer fencing will also provide a few small pastures. It is very feasible to have a small herd of something next year. Any requests? The animals would be purchased at auction in the spring and raised through out the year on pasture and mineral supplements. I would not be administering any form of antibiotics or other drugs, simply rotating the herd often. There is a slaughter house in Fredricksburg that will kill and cut the animals for you. This would be a similar setup to the current CSA plans. You would need to come up with the initial purchase price as well as a small management fee and I would deliver the animal to the processor in the fall. There are multiple benefits to the farm to have pastured animals on it, such as land management, added nitrogen, and pest control. if anyone is interested feel free to start the discussion here. Goats, sheep, or pigs are the first three species that come to mind. The pastures will be too small for cattle.
Friday, November 13, 2009
The Last Market
It's late and I'm still bundling veggies. Tomorrow will be the last CSA pick up and last market EOD will be participating in for 2009. It has been a mind blowing and back breaking first year working the farm, but it's been a good one. We are planted now to start next season, and are finishing up strong with lots of french breakfast radishes, Swiss chard, and Broccoli raab. The 2010 CSA fliers are in, and will be on display at the market in the morning.
I am looking forward to starting the great clean up tomorrow afternoon. Four months with no coolers by the front door, bushel baskets in the kitchen, or rubber bands everywhere, what a crazy thought.
Looking forward to recapping the season starting next week. Enjoy the perfect growing weather!
Thursday, November 12, 2009
More Coming Soon!
Head grower and blogger has been a non functional concept, especially with our new "no txt while driving laws" I'm hoping to have a couple of catch up - dates up in the next 48.
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